Ozone RFP extended one month.
John-Who am I? Just a F&G bureaucrat working on salmon revitalization. I was surfing through some of your old blogs and saw something favorable about ozone. Folks should know that there is a grant program out there to fund shelf life extension projects in SE... with ozone on the short list of acceptable projects. http://www.commerce.state.ak.us/oed/seafood/revitalization/assistance.htm
Grant solicitation was out over the summer and got limited response. We're going to extend it for another month. I imagine you know all sorts of folks who would like to know this. One technical thing on the blog- it's easy to find "previous posts" but once you're there, it's not so easy to head back forwards into "subsequent posts."Thanks much-Ken--
Ken Alper, Planner
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Juneau, Alaska 99801
(907) 465-6134
Isn't that something! Another ozone afficionado. When Kurt Kormos went up to Homer to run those big ice machines of that fair city, out on the spit, they were putting ozone in the ice. Haven't kept up on that one. I was telling someone about ozone generators just the other day though. For about $75 you can get one that will disinfect your house in a day. Make it smell fresh as a daisy. I used one in my dad's basement one time. The ozonated air killed the smells, and the mold on the cement walls changed color too.
Presumably the mold died, but I couldn't say for sure. They might just have gone into a "turning blue" state and revived sometime after I switched off the ozone generator, but I doubt either of these was the case.
Speaking of ozone, you ever wonder what they put in those clear plastic-covered trays in the stores that have positive air pressure. The clear plastic is bulging out. There are exotic gasses I've heard used, and I described this in a previous post. Made two week old humpies look like they were caught three days prior.
Ozonated water would be good to dip fresh fish in too. Ozone is just extra oxygen. Pathogens and all sorts of nasties like to hide in dark, warm places, and getting ozone in there fixes them good. If you could seal your product in with gasses, you would have insurance against total coolant failure. Cheap insurance?
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